Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Productive Weekend

On Saturday, the weather was wonderful and so a great day for yard sailing.  It's been a long winter,  I was so ready for good weather and back to hunting the bargains.  I made a mental list of what I was going to look  for and one was a plate holder for the bare wall in my dining room.  I found it and then started looking for plates to go with it.  I did find a plain green one in the color I was looking for and a smaller one that went well, also.  It's now hanging nicely on that bare wall and looks good.  The bargain price was $2.00 for the plate holder and a $1.00 for each plate. I bought a pretty serving plate for displaying on my hutch, too, I think it was $2.00, also.  Other items on my list was a picture to go in the master bathroom and material to recover the patio swing cushions. Found both, the picture goes well with my colors and I only spent $2.00 on it.  I was very pleased to find enough material for only $5.00 and have already recovered one of the cushions.  I'll have to post a picture of it when I'm finished.  It was a fun Saturday, time spent with my husband and my mother.
Chuck and I also got some weeding done in our garden beds and he spread out compost from our compost pile.  We got in on a sale at Home Depot, one day only, on vegetable and herb plants, buy one and get one free.  I happily loaded the cart with many plants, an addition to the many seedlings growing at home.  I'm anticipating lots of vegetables from my garden this year.  I started an herb garden last year and bought several more herbs for that, too.  It's nice to just walk out in the yard and pick them when I need them.  With our short growing season here in Idaho, I'll have to wait another 4 weeks to plant them outside.  Patience, patience.


Unknown said...

We hit a few yard sales too but I wasn't so lucky. Sometimes you hit a good one and don't!

j said...

Cute decorations. It has been so nice!!!!!! Finally. See you tomorrow.
