Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Walk With My Man

I've finally thawed out and am ready to get back to my walks with Chuck. We had gotten in the habit of a nightly walk and then winter hit and I became like the she bear that I am and went into hibernation
So, last night we went on a walk, it felt so good. The sun was getting ready to set and the air was just a little on the cool side. Chuck and I got to have good conversation, held hands and enjoyed one anothers company.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kathy. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am so glad to meet you. And I love this post about walking with your hubby. We do it too. Nearly everyday. Only here in WI we've been thawed out for a while but we do get lots of rain. And more than once we've walked a mile or two in it. No biggie.